Monday, February 26, 2007

The Occult Experience (1987)

The Occult Experience (1987)
Frank Heimans
1 hr 27 min 1 sec - Dec 3, 2006

Plot Outline: An examination of occultism as practiced in different parts of the world. Author: lthseldy1 from Norfolk, VA This is a good video for those that may or may not be somewhat interested in the occult. It touches up on several occultic religious such as Wiccan and Satanism and dismisses religious bias that the Christian church has thrown at the practice of the occult for so many centuries. I recognized a few of those that were interviewed such as Micheal Aquino and Anton Levay as guests put on such talk shows like Geraldo Ravera and Sally Jassy Raphael and remembered all the boo's that they received even before they began to explain themselves and their religion. If you watch this documentary with an open mind and remove the blinders that most of society has dished out, you may find that most occult religions are just.....misunderstood. Source: An Award Winning Documentary, June 30, 2004 Reviewer: A viewer The Occult Experience film was produced by Cinetel Productions Ltd in 1987, then later released on VHS in 1992 and approximate running time is 87 minutes. This rare, less than 10,000 copies made is an award-winning documentary that covers the subjects of Witchcraft and the Goddess Movement, Satanism, Shamanism, Christianity, Druidism and Egyptian ritual magick found across North America and Europe. In addition, this award-winning documentary also provides the viewer with an inside look into the Solitary practice as well as a look into Circles, Groves and Covens, each with its own spiritual customs through revealing interviews and filmed rituals by Z. Budapest, Alex Sanders, Janet & Stuart Farrar, Margot Adler, Selena Fox, Michael Aquino and Olivia Robertson to name just a few in a close up look into the various spiritual practices of old and new. Source:

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