Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
- sixty minutes volume01
sixty minutes volume01
1 hr 1 min 45 sec - Sep 9, 2006
Ce mix vidéo, réalisé par d'jEFF, a été, pour la partie AUDIO, enregistré le 31 janvier 2006 @ la Villa Kirov [VANNES] et, pour la partie VIDEO, monté chez d'jEFF. Mixé avec la compilation DISCO KANDI vol1 [HED KANDI] et monté avec MAGIX music maker 2006.
d'jEFF - Sexy & Funny Commercial: Microsoft Office (AvisoAd.Com)
Sexy & Funny Commercial: Microsoft Office (AvisoAd.Com)
35 sec - Sep 27, 2006
Hot and saucy commercial by Microsoft to promote it's office xp! - Self Defence
Self Defence
2 min 39 sec - Jan 12, 2007
These are not my Videos. They are Videos by Derrick Comedy. You can contact them at their youtube Channel at ... all », or on their website which is at the bottom of all the videos. I hope you enjoy ^_^ - marci and britny (my humps)
marci and britny (my humps)
marci and britny productions
3 min 49 sec - Sep 14, 2006
my humps dancing in a dorm room at boarding school
marci and britny productions - Worst police dog in the world.
Worst police dog in the world.
47 sec - Sep 21, 2006
Pluto the police dog is useless. His handler is pretty poor too(with all respect). The criminal is not exactly Linford Christie. mind you as someone that has owned a dog that was a total idiot(Odin)I understand how the poor cop musta felt when not only did he make a tit of himself in public,but it was filmed on cctv. - Extreme TV Gumball 3000 2006 Episode 6
Extreme TV Gumball 3000 2006 Episode 6
23 min 28 sec - Oct 2, 2006
Straight from Europe's Extreme TV Gumball series delve right into the madness, fury and comedy of the Gumball Rally. This is a must see for ... Alle » all Gumball fans. - PATTAYA
7 min 39 sec - Jul 9, 2006
PATTAYA - RBD - Nuestro amor
RBD - Nuestro amor
EMI Music España
3 min 43 sec - Nov 6, 2006
RBD, el famoso grupo de Rebelde, nos presenta su videoclip Nuestro Amor. Roberta y Diego
EMI Music España - really expensive cat toy
really expensive cat toy
1 min 50 sec - Jun 7, 2006
This is our kitten, Robot. She likes computers. No the screen was not damaged because she doesn't use her claws when playing... only when attacking, which is more often.
mattcoats! - RIBERY - Come With Me
RIBERY - Come With Me
6 min 5 sec - May 24, 2006
Vidéo du phénomène Ribery sous le maillot Marseillais par OManu. - Basshunter - Boten Anna (MUSIC VIDEO)
Basshunter - Boten Anna (MUSIC VIDEO)
3 min 29 sec - May 23, 2006
Basshunter - Boten Anna (MUSIC VIDEO) - 9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)
9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)
1 hr 30 min 41 sec - Sep 15, 2006
This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this link on! World Trade Center WTC twin dowers controlled demoltion thermate thermite explosions 9/11 911 9-11 september 11 11th truth conspiracy theory theories theorist george bush dick cheney donald rumsfeld paul wolfowitz doctring PNAC project for a new american century NORAD FAA FBI CIA NSA cutter charges molton steel WTC7 building 7 larry silverstein pull it BYU physics professor steven jones loose change alex jones NIST pentagon flight 77 missile flight 93 shanksville PA lets let's roll put options gold emma e. booker elementary jersey girls - Taxi 4 - Bande annonce
Taxi 4 - Bande annonce
1 min 35 sec - Jan 19, 2007
Un film de Gérard Krawczyk, avec Samy Naceri, Frédéric Diefenthal, Emma Sjoberg, Bernard Farcy. Le chauffeur de taxi marseillais revient pour un quatrième volet. Daniel sera accompagné de son fidèle acolyte Emilien, inspecteur de police et désormais père de famille avec la charmante Petra.
+ sur COMME AU CINEMA.COM - Barbie Girl
Barbie Girl
Lynne & Tessa
3 min 14 sec - May 4, 2006 .... :) Watch out for our other videos: To get more, enter "Lynne & Tessa" in the search engine to quest for them. visit our homepage: To contact us, write an email to
Lynne & Tessa - Patrick Jumpen : Tutorial Jumpen die Jan Peter Balkenende zelfs kan begrijpen !
Patrick Jumpen : Tutorial Jumpen die Jan Peter Balkenende zelfs kan begrijpen !
Master P Productions
5 min 8 sec - Dec 5, 2006 Dit is een handleiding hoe je moet Duo Jumpen,Speciaal voor de mensen die et niet kunnen en graag willen leren!! Tis mischien oud en afgezaagt maar der zijn egt wel genoeg die het niet kunnen en wel willen Probeer me niet toe te voegen op msn... oude mailadres;) Ik weet al hoe et nummer heet!! TNX! hoe moet ik duo jumpen? jumpstyle jump leren
Master P Productions - DSDS Deutschland sucht den Superstar - Ich hab die Haare schön.
DSDS Deutschland sucht den Superstar - Ich hab die Haare schön.
4 min 39 sec - Jan 15, 2007
DSDS Deutschland sucht den Superstar - Ich hab die Haare schön.
- Big Train - 1x01
Big Train - 1x01
28 min 59 sec - Sep 29, 2006
A classic from the BBC, you don't see comedy like this anymore. - Świat według kiepskich-browar z kominem
Świat według kiepskich-browar z kominem
35 min 11 sec - Oct 5, 2006
Rodzina kiepskich bierze udział w konkursie piosenki piwnej:)
- Blood_Hawk_(HWO)_vs_Lingmssacre_(XIA).00.avi
Empire Arcadia
9 min 39 sec - Jan 25, 2007
Sabin/Empire Arcadia Presents: Chinatown Fair: Crown the King 2007 Jan 20th, 2007 Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Arcade Tournament Blood Hawk (Team Random) (Hwoarang) vs Lingmassacre (Xiaoyu) Lingmassacre is from Nevada and he's here at a NY tournament (!)
Empire Arcadia - Telurica TV 57
Telurica TV 57
4 min 7 sec - Feb 12, 2007
MP3 en la calle ilegal en Nueva York, abrazados en tumba desde el neolitico, blindage liquido de nanoparticulas y dos velas pueden producir electricidad.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
- harley davidson commercial - get respect
harley davidson commercial - get respect
50 sec - Sep 20, 2006
harley davidson motorcycles commercial - get respect - OCIN06: Scalar Operand Networks for Tiled Microprocessors - Michael Taylor, UCSD
OCIN06: Scalar Operand Networks for Tiled Microprocessors - Michael Taylor, UCSD
40 min 52 sec - Dec 7, 2006
Scalar Operand Networks ("SONs") are a class of network optimized for the transport of operands among remote ALUs and memories. These sub-nanosecond networks, the central communication mechanism inside microprocessors, are perhaps the fastest class of network currently known to man, and are the lowest-latency apparatus for executing programs that have parallelism but are dependence-heavy. This talk examines how scalable forms of SONs can allow microprocessors to scale to 100s or 1000s of functional units. The key is to organize chip resources as an array of small tiles, which are interconnected by a scalable, point-to-point, pipelined SON. This allows the frequency of these systems ("tiled microprocessors") to remain high, while the quantity of exposed on-chip resources (e.g., ALUs) remains linear with die area. Scalable SONs offer extremely low latency and occupancy communication, on the order of a few cycles, versus thirty or so for conventional multicore processors. This low cost expands the set of applications that can be parallelized and enables compilers to exploit fine-grained parallelism. This talk discusses the scalable SON we designed for the 16-issue MIT Raw 180 nm VLSI prototype, and some of the efforts we have made to characterize SON properties in general. - Breakdance: BboyWorld - Bboy Moy The Newborn (Havikoro) (Texas) (DVD)
Breakdance: BboyWorld - Bboy Moy The Newborn (Havikoro) (Texas) (DVD)
Choi Style Productions
41 min 47 sec - Jan 23, 2007
Choi Style Productions - Sexy And Dangerous
Sexy And Dangerous
Movies Nexus
45 min 59 sec - Sep 2, 2006
Phim, TVB Series, Vietnamese Drama, Viet Nam Phim Bo,Va Le. Vietnamese movie, Phim HK, Phim VN, Phim HQ, Phim giai tri, Ca Nhac, MTV, Find more information at
Movies Nexus - Guitars SUCK 6
Guitars SUCK 6
InstruMental Case
50 min 20 sec - Dec 16, 2006
Guitars SUCK 6 has finally arrived (tell your friends)! Lots of new players here, some returning lesser-known's, and plenty of old school guitar heroes we all know and love. (Everyone can stop demanding Petrucci now, because he's finally here!) I was way overbooked with videos, so expect a much shorter gap between this and the next G.S. this time. I'm always accepting submissions for future G.S.'s! Address your submissions or comments to: Thanks, Dave B. Keywords: Guitars SUCK 6, Paco Hernández, Anton Tsygankov, Pash Zaburuev, Kevin Peters, Shawn Lane, Marty Friedman, Blues Saraceno, Reb Beach, T-cophony, Erik Mongrain, Andreas Kapsalis, Gonçalo Pereira, John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, Todd Kreuzburg, Guthrie Govan, Nori Bucci, George Puleo, Allan Holdsworth, Greg Howe, Neil Zaza, Rob Marcello, Eric Johnson, Nick Sterling, Marcelo Barbosa, Chet Atkins, Andy Timmons, James Hill, guitar, ukulele, uke, shred, shredder, shredding, instrumental, instructional, technique, technical.
InstruMental Case - - Asia51 - Asia51
2 hr 4 min 57 sec - Nov 8, 2006
Mời bạn vào diển đàn khu Trực Tuyến / Streaming Videos để xem trọn bộ phim này & nhiều phim khác rất hay, hoàn toàn miễn phí. - John_Pilger - Cambodia (Year Zero)
John_Pilger - Cambodia (Year Zero)
52 min 5 sec - Jan 23, 2007
John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country.. - Bruce Lee Be water my friend entrevista perdida spanish
Bruce Lee Be water my friend entrevista perdida spanish
21 min 42 sec - Oct 22, 2006 La Entrevista realizada a Bruce Lee, doblada al español y con la famosa frase "Be Water my Friend".
- Paper Airplane
Paper Airplane
Michael O'Reilly
5 min 2 sec - Mar 18, 2006
Detailed instructions for folding the paper airplane at the URL shown above. - Here you will find on-line and printer friendly assembly instructions, color templates, flight instructions and more.
Michael O'Reilly - The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
54 min 31 sec - Jan 27, 2007
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. - Skidboot the Dog
Skidboot the Dog
8 min 32 sec - Oct 12, 2006
A heart-warming segment from Texas Country Reporter, with Bob Phillips. For more information visit or - - Asia51 - Asia51
1 hr 56 min 3 sec - Nov 6, 2006
Hãy vào 'Trực Tuyến/Streaming Videos' trong diển đàn để xem trọn bộ phim này - ggggg
1 min 2 sec - Oct 14, 2006
ممكن ترسلولي افلام سكس - Friseuse Claudia - ein Unfallverhütungsfilm
Friseuse Claudia - ein Unfallverhütungsfilm
9 min 57 sec - Aug 11, 2006
Der sarkastische Kurzfilm handelt von Unfällen im Friseurberuf und wie man sie am Besten vermeidet. Friseuse Claudia zeigt unfallträchtige Situationen aus dem Arbeitsalltag einer Friseurin, die im schlimmsten Fall tödlich enden können. Er wirkt auf den ersten Blick wie ein berufsgenossenschaftlicher Lehrfilm aus den 80iger Jahren. Hier wird gewaschen, gefärbt und gefönt ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste. Schauen Sie den Film - und freuen Sie sich auf den nächsten Besuch bei einem Friseur Ihres Vertrauens!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Rippin Bechts pants
Rippin Bechts pants
2 min 1 sec - Oct 25, 2006
a guy at our school gets his pants ripped
Rippin Bechts pants
2 min 1 sec - Oct 25, 2006
a guy at our school gets his pants ripped
Sunday, February 11, 2007
- organy.wmv
34 min 23 sec - Dec 16, 2006 - Akira the Full Movie!!!
Akira the Full Movie!!!
2 hr 4 min 16 sec - Oct 17, 2006
The full Movie. Please enjoy(, please don't reject). K4$p3r - Pirates_Of_Silicon_Valley.avi
dont know
1 hr 36 min 50 sec - Nov 10, 2006
dont know - வறுமையின் நிறம் சிகப்பு (திரைப்படம்) (Tamil film)
வறுமையின் நிறம் சிகப்பு (திரைப்படம்) (Tamil film)
2 hr 15 min 58 sec - Nov 20, 2006
Varumaiyin niram sikappu Directed by K.Balachandar Starring Kamal Haasan,Sri devi by sakthivel nirojan தமிழ் அன்பன் சக்திவேல் நிரோஜனின் அன்பளிப்பு. - Tripod perform at a Comedy Festival
Tripod perform at a Comedy Festival
3 min 52 sec - Dec 27, 2005
Aussie comedy group Tripod performing their song "Make You Happy Tonight" at a Comedy Festival
Tripod - władcy móch pranie mózgów cz.2
władcy móch pranie mózgów cz.2
7 min 41 sec - Jan 8, 2007
łeee dojcze dojcze libe ale - Arab drift accident
Arab drift accident
3 min 53 sec - Oct 11, 2006
I just can say wooooooooooooooooooow crazy - Wlatcy.Moch.S01E08.PL.PDTV.XviD-HT.avi
22 min 29 sec - Dec 20, 2006
bajka dla dorosłych
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